Census Sharing

Please note that there is currently a pilot to simplify census sharing across teams, so the below algorithms no longer apply! Please refer to this document for the simplified census sharing rules!


Admission Surge

If a service is experiencing an admission surge, then the census sharing color automatically goes up a level (to a maximum of RED) regardless of overall service census until next shift change (Medicine: 7am, 9pm, FMIS: 7am, 7pm, Cardiology: 7am).

Medicine Long Call Team caps before 4 pm (4 admits to Short Call and 7 admits to Long Call) or Medicine Jeopardy is activated.
FMIS Day Team has received >6 admissions or FMIS Jeopardy/ROD is activated.
Cardiology Long Call Team caps (7 admits)

Box folder with resident orientation files for Float and Swing shifts

Resources for MOD

Epic Admissions List

Patient Lists: Create an admissions list using the "ZSFG New Medicine Admit" system list (found under Zuckerberg Hospital → ZSFG New Consults - Admissions → ZSFG New Medicine Admit). Useful columns to include on your patient list:

  • Age of Order: allows you to quickly locate latest patient placed on list (you must select the system list under your patient list to see this column, rather than your entire patient list; you can set your list to sort by this column by default)
  • Pt Assigned Clinic: allows you to quickly identify if a patient is an FMIS patient
  • DoCC/UM Comment(s): allows you to see if the CCRN is recommending observation services for this patient

Resources for Nights

For FIS Night:

For Res Night, please send an email to FIS Night by 6am with the following info:

  • Names and contact numbers for you, the night intern, and the cards admitter if they admitted medicine patients (banana phone preferred)
  • One-liners for all the patients in the following format: Last Name MRN | Admitter Name | One liner
  • Please flag bouncebacks.
  • Please flag patients with <48h LOS, or patients with low educational value, as these pts will be preferentially distributed to FIS if possible.
  • Please flag if the patient was very active overnight or requires >2 consults to be called in the morning, to avoid giving one team multiple active patients.
  • For early morning admissions, please indicate if you need some more time to work on the admission, and to preferentially distribute these patients to RIS (as FIS signs out at 7:30)

For handoffs:

We currently admit in the following rotation (not taking into account census sharing above):
  1. Night res/intern team
  2. Night FIS
  3. Night res/intern team
  4. Night FIS
  5. Cards NF resident (unless they've already gotten ≥2 cards admits)
  6. Night res/intern team
  7. Night FIS
  8. Cards NF resident (unless they've already gotten ≥3 cards admits)
  9. ...etc until cap (FIS cap 5, solo res cap 5, res/int team cap 6)

Disclaimer: This is a tool designed to help MOD identify census sharing situations, but is not the official source of truth for triage agreements. Please refer to the links provided for the official census documents.

Feedback? Suggestions? Inaccuracies? For inquiries related to this tool itself, please contact amy.ou@ucsf.edu. For inquiries related to the actual census sharing agreements and admitting guidelines, please contact your department leadership.

Last updated 07/12/2023 10:50